We provide hands-on, evidence based Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy services to individuals throughout the lifespan.
InTouch Therapy will bill your insurance for you, at no additional cost. This does not relieve your financial responsibility. While you will receive an explanation of benefits, prior to initiating treatments when possible, this is not to be understood as a guarantee of coverage. You are expected to have an understanding of your own insurance coverage, and will be responsible for all deductibles, co-pays and services not covered by your insurance carrier. A 1% (12% APR) finance charge may be assessed to your account if a balance remains unpaid after 60 days.
If you wish to be treated at In Touch Therapy and not have your insurance billed, or if you do not have insurance to cover our services, we ask for payment at the time of service. If you use this option, please remember that, though you will receive a receipt, if requested, we will not produce any formal billing forms for your insurance.
We Proudly Accept


Future Care & GEHI
As Physiotherapists, registered in Bermuda, you have Direct Access to our services. This means it is not necessary to have an MD referral to initiate treatment and you can self-refer to our clinic. Your MD can also fax or email a referral requesting our services for you.
The relationship between patient and therapist at InTouch Therapy is considered one of mutual effort, with the goal of restoring you to optimal comfort and function. Your therapist has the responsibility to instruct and guide you in appropriate activities designed to bring you optimal recovery. You, in turn, have the responsibility to comply, to the best of your ability, with those prescribed activities. Failure to do so can result in minimal recovery, and may be reason for termination of the therapy treatment.
Allow at least 45-60 mins for your appointment.
Cancellation policy
Patients are seen on a one-on-one basis, by appointment only. This time is specifically reserved for you. Your therapist has determined a schedule of visits that will bring maximum benefit from both your and your therapist’s time and energy. It is important therefore, that you do your best to adhere to the determined schedule. We will do all that we can to accommodate your scheduling needs. In return, we ask that you notify us at least 24 hours in advance, whenever possible, if you need to re-schedule or cancel your appointment. If appointments are missed without 24-hour advanced notice, you will be charged $50 for the missed visits. That charge will be billed directly to you, not to your insurance company. We also reserve the right to discontinue scheduling further visits at that point.